
In this paper, we describe our system for the 2009 CoNLL shared task for joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependency structures of multiple languages. Our system combines and implements efficient parsing techniques to get a high accuracy as well as very good parsing and training time. For the applications of syntactic and semantic parsing, the parsing time and memory footprint are very important. We think that also the development of systems can profit from this since one can perform more experiments in the given time. For the subtask of syntactic dependency parsing, we could reach the second place with an accuracy in average of 85.68 which is only 0.09 points behind the first ranked system. For this task, our system has the highest accuracy for English with 89.88, German with 87.48 and the out-of-domain data in average with 78.79. The semantic role labeler works not as well as our parser and we reached therefore the fourth place (ranked by the macro F1 score) in the joint task for syntactic and semantic dependency parsing.

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