
The study presents the fabrication and characterization of paper-based thermoelectric generators (PTGs) using p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (BST) and n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 (BTS) thermoelectric (TE) materials, deposited via a novel cotton swab powder deposition technique. This method eliminates the need for complex equipment or high-temperature processes, reducing fabrication complexity and enabling large-scale production. The key advancements of this method are its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and practical applicability, ensuring uniform coating and good material adherence to the paper substrate. The PTGs, consisting of five p-n pairs interconnected with various materials, were laminated for enhanced stability and humidity protection. Experimental measurements under temperature gradients(ΔTs) of 5–30 °C revealed an optimal configuration achieving an open-circuit voltage(Voc) of 42.60 mV, internal resistance(Rint) of 42.50kΩ, short-circuit current(Isc) of 1.00µA, and maximum power output(Pmax) of 10.65nW for the carbon paste/copper sheet interconnected PTG at ΔT of 30 °C. The obtained normalized power density is 5.68nWcm-2K-1pair-1, which is one of the best among the reported Bi2Te3-based PTGs. A preliminary demonstration on an arm showed the PTG generating an 11.95 mV output voltage in hot weather conditions (ΔT ≈ 8 °C), effectively harnessing body heat for wearable electronics. This work highlights a simple, cost-effective, and scalable method for fabricating PTGs for sustainable energy harvesting in low-power wearable applications. Future efforts will focus on optimizing materials, fabrication techniques, and novel designs to enhance efficiency and scalability.

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