
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a major part in numerous applications such as smart agriculture, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. Safeguarding protected communication in this network is dominant. Securing data transmission in WSNs needs a strong key distribution device to defend against malicious attacks as well as illegal access. Traditional techniques like pre-shared or centralized key management are often unreasonable owing to resource limitations, particularly in large-scale sensor systems. To overcome this challenge, a lightweight key distribution technique is employed for safeguarding the security and privacy of data transmission streamlining processes decreasing computational overhead as well as energy consumption. By optimizing and simplifying key distribution devices, we propose to improve the complete efficacy and trustworthiness of WSNs that aid safe communication while preserving valuable energy resources. Therefore, this article designs an Efficient Key Distribution for Secure and Energy-Optimized Communication using Bioinspired Algorithms (EKD-SOCBA) for WSN. The purpose of the EKD-SOCBA technique is to accomplish security and energy efficiency in WSNs. Initially, the EKD-SOCBA technique applies a golden jackal optimization (GJO) based clustering approach to cluster the nodes and select cluster heads (CHs). Also, a lightweight Dynamic Step-wise Tiny Encryption Algorithm (DS-TEA) is applied to secure data transmission in the network. Finally, a lightweight key management phase is employed to protect the encryption key and decrease energy utilization and overhead costs. To exhibit the enhanced act of the EKD-SOCBA model, a comprehensive set of imitations was involved. Extensive results stated enhanced presentation of EKD-SOCBA methodology over other models on WSN.

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