
Edge computing promises a dramatic reduction in the network latency and the traffic volume, where many edge servers are placed at the edge of the Internet. Furthermore, these edge servers cache data to provide services for edge users. The data sharing among edge servers can effectively shorten the latency to retrieve the data and further reduce the network bandwidth consumption. The key challenge is to construct an efficient data indexing mechanism no matter how the data is cached in the edge network. Although this is essential, it is still an open problem. Moreover, existing methods such as the centralized indexing and the DHT indexing in other fields fail to meet the performance demand of edge computing. This paper presents a COordinate-based INdexing (COIN) mechanism for the data sharing in edge computing. COIN maintains a virtual space where the switches and the data indexes are associated with the coordinates. Then, COIN distributes data indexes to indexing edge servers based on those coordinates. The COIN is effective because any query request from an edge server can be responded when the data has been stored in the edge network. More importantly, COIN is efficient in both routing path lengths and forwarding table sizes for publishing/querying the data indexes. We implement COIN in a P4 prototype. Experimental results show that COIN uses 59% shorter path length and 30% less forwarding table entries to retrieve the data index compared to using Chord, a well-known DHT solution.

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