
In-Cabin Monitoring Systems (ICMS) are functional safety systems designed to monitor driver and/or passengers inside an automobile. DMS (Driver Monitoring System) and OMS (Occupant Monitoring System) are two variants of ICMS. DMS focusses solely on the driver to monitor events like fatigue, inattention and vital health signs. OMS monitor all the occupants, including unattended children. Besides safety, ICMS can also augment security and comfort through driver identification and personalization. In-Cabin monitoring brings a unique set of challenges from an imaging perspective in terms of higher analytics needs, smaller form factor, low light vision and color accuracy. This paper discusses these challenges and provides an efficient implementation on Texas Instrument's TDA2Px automotive processor. The paper also provides details on novel implementation of RGB+IR sensor format processing that commonly used in these systems enabling premium ICMS system using TDA2Px system-on-chip (SoC).

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