
An efficient new molecular orbital (MO) basis algorithm is reported implementing the pair atomic resolution of the identity approximation (PARI) to evaluate the exact exchange contribution (K) to self-consistent field methods, such as hybrid and range-separated hybrid density functionals. The PARI approximation, in which atomic orbital (AO) basis function pairs are expanded using auxiliary basis functions centered only on their two respective atoms, was recently investigated by Merlot et al. [J. Comput. Chem.2013, 34, 1486]. Our algorithm is significantly faster than quartic scaling RI-K, with an asymptotic exchange speedup for hybrid functionals of (1 + X/N), where N and X are the AO and auxiliary basis dimensions. The asymptotic speedup is 2 + 2X/N for range separated hybrids such as CAM-B3LYP, ωB97X-D, and ωB97X-V which include short- and long-range exact exchange. The observed speedup for exchange in ωB97X-V for a C68 graphene fragment in the cc-pVTZ basis is 3.4 relative to RI-K. Like conventional RI-K, our method greatly outperforms conventional integral evaluation in large basis sets; a speedup of 19 is obtained in the cc-pVQZ basis on a C54 graphene fragment. Negligible loss of accuracy relative to exact integral evaluation is demonstrated on databases of bonded and nonbonded interactions. We also demonstrate both analytically and numerically that the PARI-K approximation is variationally stable.

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