
An efficient and reproducible protocol was established for genetic transformation in Jatropha curcas through microprojectile bombardment. Decotyledonated embryos from mature seeds were pre-cultured for 5 days and elongated embryonic axis was subjected to bombardment for the optimization of physical parameters. The frequency of transient gus expression and survival of putative transformants were taken into consideration for the assessment of physical parameters. Statistical analysis reveal that microcarrier size, helium pressure and target distance had significant influence on transformation efficiency. Among different variables evaluated, microcarrier size 1μm, He pressure 1100 and 1350psi with a target distance of 9 and 12cm respectively were found optimum by co-relating microcarrier size, helium pressure and target distance on the frequency of gus expression and survival of putative transformants. Selection of putative transformants was done with increasing concentrations (5–7mgL−1) of hygromycin. The integration of desired gene into Jatropha genome was confirmed with PCR amplification of 0.96 and 1.28kb bands of hptII and gus gene respectively from the T0 transgenics and Southern blot analysis using PCR amplified DIG labeled hptII gene as a probe. A successful attempt of genetic transformation was made with optimized conditions using particle gene gun and establishing a stable transformation in J. curcas with 44.7% transformation efficiency. The procedure described will be very useful for the introgression of desired genes into J. curcas and the molecular analysis of gene function.

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