
We introduce a systematic approximation for an efficient evaluation of Born–Markov master equations for steady state transport studies in open quantum systems out of equilibrium: the energy resolved master equation approach. The master equation is formulated in the eigenbasis of the open quantum system and build successively by including eigenstates with increasing grandcanonical energies. In order to quantify convergence of the approximate scheme we introduce quality factors to check preservation of trace, positivity and hermiticity. Furthermore, we discuss different types of master equations that go beyond the commonly used secular approximation in order to resolve coherences between quasi-degenerate states. For the discussion of complete positivity we introduce a canonical Redfield–Bloch master equation and compare it to a previously derived master equations in Lindblad form with and without using the secular approximation. The approximate scheme is benchmarked for a six orbital quantum system which shows destructive quantum interference under the application of a bias voltage. The energy resolved master equation approach presented here makes quantum transport calculations in many-body quantum systems numerically accessible also beyond six orbitals with a full Hilbert space of the order of ∼106.


  • In the breakdown of Moore’s law when reaching the quantum limit, the study of quantum effects on electronic transport is becoming increasingly important

  • General form of a master equation generating a universal dynamical map Having defined the general requirements of a UDM we examine their implications on the form of its generator, the master equation

  • After introducing the theoretical concept of a UDM which led to the Lindblad equation and before discussing several types of Born–Markov master equations we introduce the basic idea of the energy resolved master equation approach, namely a physically motivated constructive way to represent the action of the superoperator in a small basis such that the determination of the steady state or relevant dynamics is possible without evaluating the full superoperator

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In the breakdown of Moore’s law when reaching the quantum limit, the study of quantum effects on electronic transport is becoming increasingly important. The other is a microscopic derivation where one starts from a model Hamiltonian (e.g. derived from DFT ab–initio calculations in molecular electronics) and tries to find a Lindblad–like master equation by applying perturbation theory and further approximations Because the latter approach may face problems concerning the perturbative character of the derivation and in some cases it does not lead to a Lindblad equation, so that complete positivity is violated, a lot of research has been done to tackle those problems. Both the size n of the full density matrix of a system with electron–electron interactions (n = 4l) as well as the number of equations N in the master equation (N = 42l) scale exponentially with increasing number of systems sites (orbitals) l To climb this exponential wall we here introduce a scheme to suitably truncate such large Hilbert spaces, the socalled energy resolved master equation approach (ERMEA).

Dynamical map - the theory in a nutshell
General concept of an open quantum system and a dynamical map
Necessary conditions for a dynamical map and reasonable simplifications
Energy resolved master equation approach
Reduction of the number N of considered matrix elements of σ in a linear master equation
Steady state physics and high grandcanonical energy states in the weak–coupling regime
Consecutive construction of the superoperator
ERMEA and the Lindblad equation ERMEA can be easily applied to
Convergence of ERMEA for the steady state
Preservation of trace
Preservation of hermiticity
Preservation of positivity
Born–Markov master equation approaches
Variants of first Markov approximations
Canonical Redfield–Bloch master equation
Violation of complete positivity of the canonical Redfield–Bloch master equation
PERLind master equation
Numerical benchmark of destructive quantum interference in a 6-site model
Reduction of considered matrix elements in the master equation
Convergence using ERMEA
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