
Wireless Sensor Network supports maintain regular supervision of various types of environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc. and then by transmitting them into an electrical signal. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) has a problem regarding the number of clusters that are formed. The significant number of clusters in each round disturbs the WSN architecture. To produce a better lifetime and efficient energy on the architecture of WSN, New LEACH is proposed in this paper. In New LEACH, the selection of cluster heads is done by the Base Station and considers the highest energy of each cluster. This can guarantee the number of formed clusters that are fixed on each round. Additionally, this performance even would reduce the burden on energy consumption of each node, so the lifetime network is better than LEACH. Moreover, the allocation node is flat done to the characteristic determination than the existing random topology on LEACH. The main focus is on the New LEACH algorithm on Cluster Head (CH) selection. Network Simulator 2 simulation produces New LEACH has a much better performance based on the Quality of Service (QoS): alive node, lifetime, energy consumption, throughput, and efficient energy.

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