
Conventionally, a node or vehicle in the Named Data Networking (NDN) sends an interest packet to discover information and receives a single data packet in response. However, in the case of named data Vehicular Cyber-Physical System (VCPS), a vehicle may require content from multiple vehicles in the network. Therefore, NDN forwarding daemon must receive multiple data packets in response to a single interest. Moreover, the data broadcast storm worsens in the named data VCPS due to the broadcast nature of the wireless link. In this letter, we propose the data packet broadcast suppression method for any multisource content discovery in VCPS. The proposed scheme distributively selects the potential data forwarding vehicles based on the neighbor distance, node density, and the closeness to the data forwarding line of sight. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme alleviates 55% data traffic, 17% average per-hop delay, and achieves 7% more data discovery ratio.

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