
This paper proposes a design of 2-D chaotic Baker map for image encryption which utilizes three modes of operations: 1) the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 2) the cipher feedback (CFB) mode, and 3) the output feedback (OFB) mode. The proposed image cryptosystem is characterized by a short encryption time of scalevariant images and a high level of confusion and diffusion due to its shuffling and substitution processes. This is useful in applications such as online streaming of paid videos, in which both the speed of encryption\decryption and a good encryption quality is required. A comparison between the proposed image cryptosystem, the traditional 2-D chaotic Baker map permutation cryptosystem, and the RC6 substitution cryptosystem is presented in the paper. A comparison is held with relevant techniques and the results reveal that the proposed image cryptosystem achieves a high degree of security. It is also more immune to noise than the RC6 cryptosystem and takes less processing time for images with large dimensions than both the chaotic cryptosystem and the RC6 cryptosystem. The superiority of the proposed cryptosystem has been proved for image encryption against the recent techniques from the cryptographic viewpoint.

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