
Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption ( DSSE), apart from providing support for search operation, allows a client to perform update operations on outsourced database efficiently. Two security properties, viz., forward privacy and backward privacy are desirable from a DSSE scheme. The former captures that the newly updated entries cannot be related to previous search queries and the latter ensures that search queries should not leak matching entries after they have been deleted. These security properties are formalized in terms of the information leakage that can be incurred by the respective constructions. Existing backward private constructions either have a non-optimal communication overhead or they make use of heavy cryptographic primitives. Our main contribution consists of two efficient backward private schemes I BP and I WBP that aim to achieve practical efficiency by using light weight symmetric cryptographic components only. In the process, we also revisit the existing definitions of information leakage for backward privacy Bost et al. (In ACM CCS (2017) 1465-1482 ACM Press) and propose a relaxed formulation. I BP is the first construction to achieve backward privacy in the general setting with optimal communication complexity. Our second construction, I WBP , is the first single round-trip scheme achieving backward privacy in a restricted setting with optimal communication complexity using light weight symmetric cryptographic primitives. The prototype implementations of our schemes depict the practicability of the proposed constructions and indicate that the cost of achieving backward privacy over forward privacy is substantially small. The performance results also show that the proposed constructions outperform the currently most efficient scheme achieving backward privacy. © 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.

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