
Recently, crack segmentation studies have been investigated using deep convolutional neural networks. However, significant deficiencies remain in the preparation of ground truth data, consideration of complex scenes, development of an object-specific network for crack segmentation, and use of an evaluation method, among other issues. In this paper, a novel semantic transformer representation network (STRNet) is developed for crack segmentation at the pixel level in complex scenes in a real-time manner. STRNet is composed of a squeeze and excitation attention-based encoder, a multi head attention-based decoder, coarse upsampling, a focal-Tversky loss function, and a learnable swish activation function to design the network concisely by keeping its fast-processing speed. A method for evaluating the level of complexity of image scenes was also proposed. The proposed network is trained with 1203 images with further extensive synthesis-based augmentation, and it is investigated with 545 testing images (1280 × 720, 1024 × 512); it achieves 91.7%, 92.7%, 92.2%, and 92.6% in terms of precision, recall, F1 score, and mIoU (mean intersection over union), respectively. Its performance is compared with those of recently developed advanced networks (Attention U-net, CrackSegNet, Deeplab V3+, FPHBN, and Unet++), with STRNet showing the best performance in the evaluation metrics-it achieves the fastest processing at 49.2 frames per second.

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