
We present a novel method for performing quantum state tomography for many-particle systems, which are particularly suitable for estimating the states in lattice systems such as of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. We show that the need to measure a tomographically complete set of observables can be overcome by letting the state evolve under some suitably chosen random circuits followed by the measurement of a single observable. We generalize known results about the approximation of unitary two-designs, i.e. certain classes of random unitary matrices, by random quantum circuits and connect our findings to the theory of quantum compressed sensing. We show that for ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices established experimental techniques such as optical super-lattices, laser speckles and time-of-flight measurements are sufficient to perform fully certified, assumption-free tomography. This is possible without the need to address single sites in any step of the procedure. Combining our approach with tensor network methods—in particular, the theory of matrix product states—we identify situations where the effort of reconstruction is even constant in the number of lattice sites, allowing, in principle, to perform tomography on large-scale systems readily available in present experiments.

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