
Efficient model deployment is a key focus in deep learning. This has led to the exploration of methods such as knowledge distillation and network pruning to compress models and increase their performance. In this study, we investigate the potential synergy between knowledge distillation and network pruning to achieve optimal model efficiency and improved generalization. We introduce an innovative framework for model compression that combines knowledge distillation, pruning, and fine-tuning to achieve enhanced compression while providing control over the degree of compactness. Our research is conducted on popular datasets, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, employing diverse model architectures, including ResNet, DenseNet, and EfficientNet. We could calibrate the amount of compression achieved. This allows us to produce models with different degrees of compression while still being just as accurate, or even better. Notably, we demonstrate its efficacy by producing two compressed variants of ResNet 101: ResNet 50 and ResNet 18. Our results reveal intriguing findings. In most cases, the pruned and distilled student models exhibit comparable or superior accuracy to the distilled student models while utilizing significantly fewer parameters.

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