
Degradomics is a novel discipline that involves determination of the proteases/substrate fragmentation profile, called the substrate degradome, and has been recently applied in different disciplines. A major application of degradomics is its utility in the field of biomarkers where the breakdown products (BDPs) of different protease have been investigated. Among the major proteases assessed, calpain and caspase proteases have been associated with the execution phases of the pro-apoptotic and pro-necrotic cell death, generating caspase/calpain-specific cleaved fragments. The distinction between calpain and caspase protein fragments has been applied to distinguish injury mechanisms. Advanced proteomics technology has been used to identify these BDPs experimentally. However, it has been a challenge to identify these BDPs with high precision and efficiency, especially if we are targeting a number of proteins at one time. In this chapter, we present a novel bioinfromatic detection method that identifies BDPs accurately and efficiently with validation against experimental data. This method aims at predicting the consensus sequence occurrences and their variants in a large set of experimentally detected protein sequences based on state-of-the-art sequence matching and alignment algorithms. After detection, the method generates all the potential cleaved fragments by a specific protease. This space and time-efficient algorithm is flexible to handle the different orientations that the consensus sequence and the protein sequence can take before cleaving. It is O(mn) in space complexity and O(Nmn) in time complexity, with N number of protein sequences, m length of the consensus sequence, and n length of each protein sequence. Ultimately, this knowledge will subsequently feed into the development of a novel tool for researchers to detect diverse types of selected BDPs as putative disease markers, contributing to the diagnosis and treatment of related disorders.

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