
Abstract Decentralized storage of data is one of the typical applications in the blockchain network. However, most of the existing works neglected the storage balancing problem in the blockchain network, which has an immediate impact on the availability and stability of the network. Therefore, this paper proposes a storage balancing problem for non-local data storage in the blockchain network and proves that the problem is non-deterministic polynomial (NP)-hard. The criterion of the storage balance is established by a balanced coefficient in the proposed scheme. A heuristic matching algorithm (HMA), a genetic algorithm (GA) and a tabu search algorithm (TSA) are customized to solve the problem of imbalanced storage formalized in this paper. Compared with our previous algorithm fast matching algorithm (FMA), experimental results demonstrate that HMA achieves better performance in terms of accuracy, computation overhead and storage overhead. Specifically, the computation overhead of HMA is lower than that of FMA by 84.45% on average, whereas the storage overhead of HMA is lower than that of FMA by 32.26% on average. By using the initial solution of HMA, TSA achieves the highest accuracy among GA, TSA and moth-flame optimization (MFO). Meanwhile, by using the initial solution of FMA, TSA achieves the highest accuracy among GA, TSA and MFO.

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