
It is well known that a series-parallel multigraph G can be constructed recursively from its edges. This construction is represented by a binary decomposition tree. This is a rooted binary tree T in which each vertex q corresponds to some series-parallel submultigraph of G, denoted by $G ( q )$, obtained as follows. Each leaf (tip) of T represents a distinct edge of G. If q is not a leaf then it is either of a series or parallel type. If $q_1 $ and $q_2 $ are the two sons of q on T, $G ( q )$ is the submultigraph obtained from $G ( q_1 )$ and $G ( q_2 )$ by the respective series or parallel composition.In this paper we use this tree to develop efficient algorithms for several optimization and selection problems defined on graphs with no $K_4 $ homeomorph. In particular, we provide a linear time algorithm to find the shortest simple paths from a given vertex to all other vertices. We also construct an $O ( n^4 )$ algorithm to solve the uncapacitated plant location problem, where n is the number of vertices...

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