
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 一种高效的凸连通子图枚举算法 DOI: 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: Supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No.2007AA01Z2b3 (国家高技术研究发展计划(863)); the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No.2007CB310608 (国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)) Efficient Algorithm for Convex Connected Subgraph Enumeration Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:在可配置处理器的定制指令设计过程中,需要提取热点代码数据流图的凸连通子图.为实现子图的快速枚举,对有向无环图内的凸子图特性进行了研究.根据凸子图特性和节点邻接关系,提出了一种AS(adjacent search) 算法用于枚举有向无环图内满足I/O端口约束的凸连通子图.实验数据显示,AS算法比现有算法具有更高的效率,加速比可达10~1000X.当现有算法因数据流图规模较大而失效时,应用AS算法仍能成功完成子图枚举. Abstract:Enumerating convex connected subgraphs from data flow graphs of application hot-spots is required when designing instructions for a configurable processor. To achieve fast enumeration, properties of convex subgraphs of directed acyclic graph are studied. Based on the properties of convex subgraphs and adjacency of vertices, AS (adjacent search), a novel algorithm for enumerating convex connected subgraphs satisfying I/O constraints is presented. Results of experiments show that AS algorithm is more efficient than the existing algorithm, and rate is 10~1000X as fast. While the existing algorithm fails on large scale data-flow graphs, the AS algorithm is still able to accomplish enumeration successfully. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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