
Objectives This investigation describes a rapid method for the generation of finite element models of dental structures and restorations. Methods An intact mandibular molar was digitized with a micro-CT scanner. Surface contours of enamel and dentin were fitted following tooth segmentation based on pixel density using an interactive medical image control system. Stereolithography (STL) files of enamel and dentin surfaces were then remeshed to reduce mesh density and imported in a rapid prototyping software, where Boolean operations were used to assure the interfacial mesh congruence (dentinoenamel junction) and simulate different cavity preparations (MO/MOD preparations, endodontic access) and restorations (feldspathic porcelain and composite resin inlays). The different tooth parts were then imported in a finite element software package to create 3D solid models. The potential use of the model was demonstrated using nonlinear contact analysis to simulate occlusal loading. Cuspal deformation was measured at different restorative steps and correlated with existing experimental data for model validation and optimization. Results Five different models were validated by existing experimental data. Cuspal widening (between mesial cusps) at 100 N load ranged from 0.4 μm for the unrestored tooth, 9–12 μm for MO, MOD cavities, to 12–21 μm for endodontic access cavities. Placement of an MOD adhesive restoration in porcelain resulted in 100% cuspal stiffness recovery (0.4 μm of cuspal widening at 100 N) while the composite resin inlay allowed for a partial recuperation of cusp stabilization (1.3 μm of cuspal widening at 100 N). Significance The described method can generate detailed and valid three dimensional finite element models of a molar tooth with different cavities and restorative materials. This method is rapid and can readily be used for other medical (and dental) applications.

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