
The research is dedicated to the development of recipes of cooked sausages and their diversification through including in the recipes poultry meat, and by-products of processing meat and milk. The meat products most affordable and popular with the Ukrainian people are selected for the study: cooked sausages and poultry meat wieners. The main components of the recipes are: red poultry meat, mechanically deboned poultry meat, medium-fat pork. In the recipes of the products developed, 10 % of the basic raw material was replaced with a hydrated protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement. According to its physico-chemical characteristics, the protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement in the technology of cooked sausage products allows us to get ready-made products with excellent quality parameters. It has been established that adding protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement to the formulation significantly effects on the physico-chemical, functional, and technological parameters and biological value of meat products. The experimental data obtained show that the moisture content of the fresh stuffing for the sausages Kuryacha and the wieners Videnski is by 0.9 and 1.7%, respectively, higher than that in the control samples. The water-binding power in the fresh stuffing of the control samples is by 5% lower than in the test samples. In the finished product, the moisture-holding capacity is higher in the test samples (by 5.9% in the sausages Kuryacha, by 3.8% in the wieners Videnski). The study has shown that the amino acid score difference coefficient (AASDC) in the control sample of cooked sausage was by 11.2% higher than in the sample of the cooked sausage Kuryacha. In the control sausages, it was 13.0% higher than in the Videnski wieners. The developed cooked sausage products with the protein-carbohydrate-mineral supplement can be introduced into production as functional products with improved biological value.

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