
THz spintronics emitters represent today novel sources for broadband emission using nanometer-scaled materials. We present and model the THz spintronic emission based on the spin Hall effect in 3d metals and on the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect in the optimized topological insulator Bi1-xSbx.1. IntroductionTerahertz (THz) spintronic emitters are promising candidates for covering the so-called THz gap as they offer broadband emission going up to 30 THz [1]. Conventionally, they consist in nanometer-thin heterostructures composed by a ferromagnetic layer and a heavy metal from the 3d-5d family which, owing to their high spin-orbit coupling (SOC), allow spin-to-charge conversion (SCC) from a pure transient spin-current coming from the ferromagnetic layer into a transverse transient charge current. Efforts have been made recently to increase the output emission power of such devices by layer thickness engineering in order to optimize spin-to-charge interconversion and to reduce both THz absorption in metallic layers and spin current relaxation in thick ferromagnets.In this study, we evidence the processes timescales at stake in the emission properties of metallic THz spintronic emitters using Finite Domain Time Domain (FDTD) simulations. We evidence the main figure of merit which will permit to optimize the next generation of THz emitters. We then turn towards an alternative type of THz spintronic emitters based on topological insulators. We discuss the role of surface states in the conversion mechanisms and highlight promising THz emission in topological insulator Bi1-xSbx.2. Optimization of THz metallic spintronic emitters based on FDTD modellingConventional THz spintronic emitters are based on ferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructures such as Co/Pt, W/CoFeB/Pt or Fe/Pt. Shining infrared femtosecond laser pulses on the heterostructure induces a transient spin current diffusing from the ferromagnet to the heavy metal. Through spin-to-charge conversion due to the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE), a THz wave is generated. The direction of the THz emission depends on the direction of the magnetization: the polarization can thus be easily tuned by small external magnetic field. The amplitude of the THz emission depends strongly on the amplitude of the interconversion mechanism, which is related to skew-scattering and side-jump effects in heavy metals. In first approximation, the amplitude of the emission is thus given by the spin Hall angle θSHE = jc/js, ratio between the incoming spin current and the generated charge current given by jc ∝ θSHE (js x σ) where σ is the spin accumulation orientation [2,3].Here, we provide a comprehensive understanding of the THz emission processes using FDTD modelling, including spin-dependent timescales such as spin-flip rates in heterostructures. We obtain a good agreement between experiments obtained by THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and performed simulations as shown in Fig. 1. We also evidence the crucial role of the interface quality between the heavy metal and the ferromagnet, as spin backflow or interfacial spin-flip may decrease the conversion. We thus propose a figure of merit η ∝ g↑↓σSHElsfHM which defines the THz emission strength in metallic heterostructures. This product includes the spin-mixing conductance g↑↓ illustrating interface quality, spin-Hall conductivity σSHE linked to interconversion strength and spin diffusion length in the conversion material lsfHM proportional to spin-current relaxation. We believe that our results will help optimizing the next generation of THz spintronic emitters.3. Towards surface-states mediated THz emission using topological insulatorsAlongside ISHE-based emitters, topological insulators (TI) are studied here as an alternative source for THz emitters. They present conductive surface-states which allow interfacial interconversion via inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect (IREE). In these systems, strong spin-to-charge conversion is expected owing to i) the Fermi velocity of interfacial carriers and ii) the insulating behaviour of the material bulk, reducing possible THz absorption in the heterostructure. Such systems have been proven to show emission in the THz range, for example with topological insulator Bi2Se3 [4].We report in Fig. 2 emission features from Bi1-xSbx/Co interface. Experimental data are taken with standard electro optic sampling (EOS) using ZnTe(111) 500 μm thickness. Emission performance of Bi0.79Sb0.21(15)/Co(4) is about the same order of magnitude as Co(2)/Pt(4) single-ISHE conversion state-of-the-art emitter. As recovered on IREE-based emitter, THz emission phase is reversed as applied magnetic field direction is reversed. Topological insulators here illustrated by Bi1-xSbx are thus suitable candidates for strong output THz emitters. **

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