
ignificant heat losses in centralized heating and hot water supply systems during the transportation of heat carriers lead to the need for decentralization of heat generating installations. It is shown that steam and gas installations for combined heat and power generation deserve the greatest attention. The ways of increasing the efficiency of cogeneration plants of various capacities based on CCGT by utilizing the heat of the heating system by installing recuperative heat exchangers on the return lines of the heating system after heating devices that are connected to the hot water supply network are substantiated, which makes it possible to reduce heat losses to the environment. The proposed system of rational interaction of the power plant with the heating and hot water supply system, which allows increasing the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant by 2%, which corresponds to a fuel saving of 3% due to the more complete use of the thermal energy of steam, which is sent as a selection for district heating. This article discusses solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of heat generation by cogeneration plants by maximizing the use of heat from the exhaust steam of turbines.


  • Significant heat losses in centralized heating and hot water supply systems during the transportation of heat carriers lead to the need for decentralization of heat generating installations

  • The ways of increasing the efficiency of cogeneration plants of various capacities based on CCGT by utilizing the heat of the heating system by installing recuperative heat exchangers on the return lines of the heating system after heating devices that are connected to the hot water supply network are substantiated, which makes it possible to reduce heat losses to the environment

  • The proposed system of rational interaction of the power plant with the heating and hot water supply system, which allows increasing the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant by 2%, which corresponds to a fuel saving of 3% due to the more complete use of the thermal energy of steam, which is sent as a selection for district heating

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