
The study was conducted in the “Training Center for growing quails” and in the laboratory “Technology of animal products and fish products” at the Faculty of “Veterinary Medicine and Zooengineering” of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University. The study was conducted with the aim of obtaining high productivity in female quails, in order to save electricity when keeping them under canopies refreshed with sodium lamps. Usually in the western region of Azerbaijan in the autumn and winter period, farmers keep quails in rooms with smoldering and halogen lamps. Recently, due to the increase in the cost of electricity by 0.11 kopecks and taking into account the reduction in the service life of glow and halogen lamps (1000 ... 2500 glow, 3000....6000 halogen lamps), as shown in the study methodology, the effect of the use of high-voltage sodium lamps, regardless of the maintenance systems, on the physical and clinical condition of quails and on their productivity was revealed. From the results obtained, it became clear that when using sodium lamps in rooms where quails are kept, the quantity and quality of products obtained from quails are identical to incandescent and halogen lamps. However, here the amount spent on electricity for 49 days was 12.65 man, and the lamps are used for a long time (40000 hours).

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