
Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to consider the basic principles of implementing lean and digital technologies in improving the effi ciency of large machine-building enterprises in the context of global changes.Research methods – in the study, the justifi cation of the recommendations was carried out using methods of system analysis, as well as general methods of scientifi c cognition.The originality / value of the research lies in the fact that without a comparative approach and defi nition of the basic principles of lean and digital technologies, the economic activities of large enterprises will not ensure their competitiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the use of lean and digital technologies in ensuring the organization and effi ciency of the production process.The article provides a comparative analysis of the eff ectiveness of the economy of mass, lean and automated production, the shortcomings and problems of the development of business processes in the activities of industrial enterprises are noted, taking into account today's reality.Findings. The authors propose the main directions of the development of lean and digital technologies in the context of state programs and strategies for the development of mechanical engineering enterprises. In particular, the eff ectiveness of the introduction of lean and digital technologies depends on the development of the production infrastructure of the main production through subsidizing the activities of enterprises. The main conditions for the introduction of the principles of lean economy for enterprises of the machine-building industry, taking into account the micro- and macro-environment, are noted.The analysis and evaluation of the following indicators was carried out: the index of thrift, the share of employees who have been trained in the introduction of lean technologies, the share of implemented labor rationalization initiatives, the dynamics of reducing paper document fl ow and the share of automation of the production cycle in order to determine the effi ciency of production.Systematizing and analyzing the results of the study, I would like to adhere to the vectors of sustainable development of machine-building industry enterprises in terms of adaptation to the realities of the digital economy.Conclusions on the development of business processes based on the use of lean and digital technologies in the activities of large enterprises are formed.

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