
One of the important sources of increasing animal productivity is the prevention and control of parasitic diseases, which cause significant damage to livestock. The economic damage caused by helminth infections is determined not only by the death of animals, but also by a sharp decrease in productivity, growth retardation and development of young animals, poor feed allowances, reduced fertility, and increased susceptibility to other diseases [1]. For the purpose of treatment and prevention of sheep parasitosis, Monizen Forte was proposed to test the effectiveness of the action.The article presents the results of two production experiments on the testing of the drug Monizen Forte with helminth infections and arachno-entomoses of sheep.The work was carried out in the Kaliningrad region on 60 sheep and in the Kursk region on 28 sheep. The effectiveness of the drug Monizen Forte was taken into account according to the results of the study of samples of sheep feces using the method of sequential washing, flotation according to Fulleborn and larvascopically according to Berman-Orlov before and after 14–18 days after the applying of the drug to animals of the experimental groups.The results of clinical studies of Monizen Forte in sheep at a dose of 1 ml per 15 kg once intramuscularly showed 100% efficacy of the drug in cestodoses and nematodoses, and 98% in sheep trematodoses; at a dose of 1 ml per 20 kg, 100% of the extent and intensity of the drug were shown subcutaneously once, with monieziosis, gastrointestinal strangulation, melophagosis, bovicolus and ixodidosis.

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