
The characteristic features of influence of preliminary plastic deformation degree (E ') on endurance limit (G.,) of titanium alloys having different phase composition are revealed. The connection between character of relation (G., - E ') and efficiency of hardening of parts by methods of surface plastic deformation (SPD) is shown. On the basis of the analysis of investigations of a, pseudo-a, and a, + P titanium alloys a conclusion is confirmed experimentally that the absence of sharp decrease of endurance limit of a material in the field of minimum plastic deformations makes hardening of parts by methods of SPD effective. It is shown. that the realization of tests on the base of 10' cycles of loading is sufficient for study of change of resistance to fatigue of titanium alloys under influence of preliminary plastic deformation, while the results of these investigations allow to predict effect of decrease of endurance limit of subjected to SPD parts, which reveals itself only at increase of test base up to from 10' to 10' cycles of loading.

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