
Steel was one of a metal mainly used to create things because hard, long-term, and can be generated in large amounts. It was easy getting corrosion, damage to metal material caused by environmental factors. Therefore, it was necessary preventive to reduce the corrosion rate by corrosion inhibitor. A study had been done on the efficiency of steel corrosion SS400 inhibitor from moringa leaf extraction (Moringa oleifera L.) in NaCl 3% solution medium. The objective was to determine soaking time and concentration of corrosion inhibitor from moringa leaf extract to inhibit the corrosion of the steel plate with the highest efficient value. The corrosion examination was conducted with a weight-loss method. Results showed that moringa leaf extract could be used as a corrosion inhibitor for steel plate SS400 in NaCl 3% with soaking time was five days in concentration 2000 ppm was 43.06%.

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