
It was hypothesized that soil N variability, and fertilization and cropping management affect potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growth and fertilizer N efficiency. Following a 20-year sod breakup on a loamy soil in eastern Quebec, Canada (46 ◦ 37 � N, 71 ◦ 47 � W), we conducted a 3-year (1993–1995) study to investigate the effects of soil pool N and fertilizer N management on non-irrigated potato (cv. Superior) tuber yield, fertilizer N recovery (NRE), and residual N distribution in soils under humid, cool and acid pedoclimatic conditions. The fertilizer N treatments consisted of a control, side-dress at rates of 70, 105 and 140 kg ha −1 , and split applications (at seeding and bloom) at rates of 70+70, 105+70 and 140+70 kg ha −1 , respectively. Soil acidity was corrected with limestone following the plow down of the sod. Years of cropping, main effect of N treatment, and year and fertilizer N interaction were significant on total and marketable tuber yields and N uptake, which were significantly related to soil N, and root growth. Apparent NRE ranged between 29 and 70%, depending on years and N rates. Total tuber yield, N uptake, soil N use and NRE were significantly higher in the first (sod–potato) year, but decreased by 41.8, 22.7, 21.4 and 14.7%, respectively, in the third (sod–potato–potato–potato) year. Initial soil N pool was declined by 75% following the 3-year cropping. In 2–3 years, the side-dress N (140 kg ha −1 ) increased significantly tuber yields (11.4–19.8%) compared to the split N (70+70 kg ha −1 ). Higher split N had no effect on tuber yield and N uptake but increased residual N at harvest. Unused fertilizer N was strongly linked (R 2 = 0.98) to fertilizer N rates. Time factor and N treatment had significant effects ( P< 0.0001) on loss of N to below the root zone. Smaller scale rate and timing of split N need to be further determined. Increasing fertilizer N use efficiency could be expected with sod breakup and 75% of regional recommendation rate under humid, cool and acid pedoclimatic conditions. Abbreviations: Nf – fertilizer N; Ns – soil N; Nsf – N in soil at bloom; NRs – N uptake in control; NRs – N uptake in fertilizer plot; NRt – total N uptake; NRE – fertilizer N recovery; SMP – Schoemaker, McLean, and Pratt soil buffer pH test; SP – sod–potato; SPP – sod–potato–potato; SPPP – sod–potato–potato–potato; UNf – use of fertilizer N

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