
Insufficient effectiveness of therapeutic interventions used to treat toxic liver lesions leads to numerous complications. Liver damage is just one manifestation of multiple organ failure. Objective: to evaluate the possibility of using the Polyoxidonium as a protector in the acute period of poisoning with a toxic chemical agent.The studies were performed on 25 rats weighing 200-300 g. Acute toxic poisoning was modeled with hepatotoxic poison polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG). Polyoxidonium was injected once in a dose of 0,1 mg/kg intramuscularly through 2 days after the injection of PHMG. The animals were euthanized by diethyl ether overdose after 1 or 3 days to study the liver and peripheral blood. Through 1 day after the injection of PHMG acute polyorganic failure with predominant damage of the liver is developed in rats. An increase in AST levels with a decrease in alkaline phosphatase indicates hepatic cell failure. Granular dystrophy of hepatocytes is observed under the organ capsule. The number of liver cells increases per unit area (1 mm2). The cell size decreases due to cytoplasm. This phenomenon may be associated with the release of various substances from the cells due to damage to their membranes. Pancreatic dysfunction manifests itself in an increase in blood levels of glucose and amylase. An increase in the de Ritis coefficient indicates damage to the heart muscle. An increase in urea without a significant change in creatinine indicates kidney damage. An increase in the number of granulocytes in peripheral blood and ESR indicates the development of the inflammatory process in damaged tissues. Polyoxidonium has a protective effect on most organs examined. This is manifested in a decrease of degenerative changes in the liver and heart, a weakening of the inflammatory reaction and functional disorders of the pancreas. Polyoxidonium can be considered as a drug for detoxification therapy.

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