
A section of the Syretsko-Pecherska metro line is being built in Kyiv. Subway line tunnels are built in a partially open way. In the area of the picket PK-2 pit construction of the subway is an existing building on Ave. Truth 68, which is located in the zone of possible influence. The impact on the construction of surrounding buildings occurs at different stages of the existence of subway tunnels: the construction of tunnels with open pits and the stage of operation of subway tunnels with vibration during train traffic.
 At the stage of construction of subway tunnels, deformations of the soil base under existing buildings occur during the development of soil in the middle of the pit, which leads to uneven subsidence of buildings. The article investigates the effectiveness of methods of strengthening the foundations of the surrounding buildings with a certain impact from the construction of the subway line.
 To determine the most effective option of strengthening the foundations of the house in the construction of tunnels of the subway line, variable calculations were performed using different schemes of strengthening the foundations to determine the optimal ratio of labor costs to ensure strength and minimize deformation in each way. Taking into account the constructive scheme of the building, engineering and geological conditions of the construction site and technological possibilities of non-destructive reinforcement of the foundations, the following reinforcement options were considered: installation of the foundation slab; injection of reinforcing solution of the foundation base; arrangement of micropiles.
 Calculations of the system "pit - soil - building" were performed in the software and calculation complex "PLAXIS 2D" by the finite element method.
 Given that the greatest influence on the occurrence of defects in the structures of the building will give the parameter of non-uniformity of deformations, the comparison of the reinforcement efficiency was determined by this parameter.
 The smallest non-uniformity of deformations was provided by means of strengthening by a base plate. Compared to this method, the reinforcement of the foundation foundation injection with 89% more non-uniform deformations gave the reinforcement solution, and 296% more non-uniform deformations with micro-field reinforcement. The most effective way to strengthen the foundations of the building is to install a foundation slab with a compaction of the base with a self-expanding polymeric material.

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