
Not only animal welfare but also the state of the environment and human health depend on the quality and harmlessness of the products produced by the veterinary medicine enterprises. Practice, foreign and domestic experience confirm that the competence of the personnel of the enterprise, the ability to organize production and qualified, professional decision making are the leading in ensuring the quality of products produced for veterinary medicine. The point is that every employee, regardless of their position, should see the results of their professional contribution to the quality of veterinary medicine products, their competitiveness in the market. This is undoubtedly justified in the use of marketing opportunities, which will help the managers of enterprises to find those decisions in the selection of personnel, evaluation of their professional competence, which will be the most favorable for the enterprise and will guarantee the stability of the personnel, which will ensure the qualitative and effective execution of the production program of the enterprise, regardless of forms of his property.
 The study of the objective necessity of using marketing in the selection and evaluation of the personnel of the enterprise shows that marketing in solving this problem will be effective under the conditions: understanding of marketing by all employees in the enterprise, its necessity in solving specific tasks, providing management and specialists of the enterprise with the tasks defined by marketing . In such circumstances, marketing studies of the personnel problem will help to obtain objective information about the compliance of the company staff with the positions held, the attitude of the employees to fulfill their duties, the ability of the staff to find priorities in improving the activity of the company as a whole and its authority in the market of veterinary medicine and consumers respectively.
 The winners are those businesses that use marketing research results in their work. Although, it should be noted that not all domestic veterinary medicine companies use the principles of marketing, while in developed countries, marketing research is a priority, they are catalysts for achieving the desired economic results. Analysis of the activity of veterinary medicine enterprises shows the need to intensify the organizational work on the introduction of marketing at domestic enterprises and provide the necessary methodological assistance as a whole.


  • Вивчення об’єктивної необхідності використання маркетингу при підборі й оцінці персоналу підприємства свідчить, що маркетинг у вирішенні цієї проблеми буде ефективним за умов: розуміння маркетингу всіма працюючими на підприємстві, його необхідності у вирішенні конкретних завдань, забезпечення керівництвом і спеціалістами підприємства виконання завдань, визначених маркетингом

  • Foreign and domestic experience confirm that the competence of the personnel of the enterprise, the ability to organize production and qualified, professional decision making are the leading in ensuring the quality of products produced for veterinary medicine

  • The point is that every employee, regardless of their position, should see the results of their professional contribution to the quality of veterinary medicine products, their competitiveness in the market. This is undoubtedly justified in the use of marketing opportunities, which will help the managers of enterprises to find those decisions in the selection of personnel, evaluation of their professional competence, which will be the most favorable for the enterprise and will guarantee the stability of the personnel, which will ensure the qualitative and effective execution of the production program of the enterprise, regardless of forms of his property

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Вивчення об’єктивної необхідності використання маркетингу при підборі й оцінці персоналу підприємства свідчить, що маркетинг у вирішенні цієї проблеми буде ефективним за умов: розуміння маркетингу всіма працюючими на підприємстві, його необхідності у вирішенні конкретних завдань, забезпечення керівництвом і спеціалістами підприємства виконання завдань, визначених маркетингом. За таких умов маркетингові дослідження кадрової проблеми сприятимуть отриманню об’єктивної інформації щодо відповідності персоналу підприємства займаним посадам, відношення працюючих до виконання посадових обов’язків, вміння персоналу знаходити пріоритети в удосконаленні діяльності підприємства в цілому та його авторитету на ринку продукції ветмедицини і споживачів відповідно.

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