
The authors of the article considered the current state and problems of attracting investment in human capital. The purpose of the study is to analyze the attraction of investments in human capital and substantiate their effectiveness. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that an assessment was given in the areas of use of investments in human capital. Using the method of analytics of views on the theory of human capital concepts, its place in the development of socio-economic relations made it possible to determine a set of indicators that characterize the effectiveness of investments. The study analyzed the dynamics of attracting investment in human capital at the present stage, which made it possible to identify such problems as the development of human potential, the role of educational services and the system of training human resources in social reproduction. As a consequence, the existing shortcomings in the process of investing human capital depending on the level of development of the country's regions were revealed. The authors within the framework of comparative analysis substantiated the necessity of achieving priority directions of investment resources in human capital development according to the indicators that most strongly influence the level of socio-economic development. In addition, the analysis of various sources of policy documents on the strategic development of the RK, in particular, the state programs of socio-economic direction, allowed us to conclude that the results of the study will make a certain contribution to the development of measures aimed at ensuring further development of human capital, in particular, to increase the level of GRP at the present stage.

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