
Solar energy is one of the renewable energy potentials as an alternative energy substitute for fossil fuels in Indonesia. Indonesia that is located on the equator is very profitable because it always gets sunlight throughout the year. Indonesia has an average of the solar energy potential of 4.8 KWh / m2 equivalent to 112,000 GWp. Light or sunlight can be converted into electricity using solar cell technology (Photovoltaic). Electrical energy generated from the solar panels will be maximized if the solar cell is always perpendicular to the direction of the focus of the sun. Sun tracker is a system that can automatically control the solar cell to remain focused on the direction of the sun. This paper is a case study to determine the efficiency of solar panels that use the sun tracking system with monocrystalline silicon type with 9 KWp capacity. The solar panel system is located in Plaju Palembang (South Sumatra, Indonesia) where the average daily radiation levels are 4.96 kWh/m2. To determine the efficiency of the solar panel, then Data collection was performed for two months, namely in December 2017 and January 2018.

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