
Mechanization of industrial and agricultural production, increase of urban and rural traffic flows, modernization of domestic facilities cause a rapid expansion of acoustic discomfort zones. Since the noise level in any environment is one of the basic factors determining the human comfort indicator, investigation into noise processes is given special attention by researchers. Seaport freight discharge terminals are also connected with noise problems. Noise from AB KLASCO fertilizer discharge terminal of Klaipeda seaport cause great concern to local people. There is a noise barrier installed near the terminal. The present paper describes the efficiency evaluation of the noise barrier according to the noise level measurements performed, modelling of noise spread and mathematical calculations. The investigation was performed with noise measuring equipment Bruel&Kjaer mediator 2260. According to measurements, it is obvious that the noise level in the residential zone is 3–4 dBA above the limits (limits are given in HN 33–1:2003) in the daytime, and by 7 dBA at night. The modelling of noise spread was performed by CadnaA program which allowed to make different models according to variations of the noise level caused by changing conditions.


  • Mechanization of industrial and agricultural production, increase of urban and rural traffic flows, modernization of domestic facilities cause a rapid expansion of acoustic discomfort zones

  • Seaport freight discharge terminals are connected with noise problems

  • The present paper describes the efficiency evaluation of the noise barrier according to the noise level measurements performed, modelling of noise spread and mathematical calculations

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Kaip ir kitose šalyse, daug dėmesio skiriama triukšmui aplinkoje mažinti ir išvengti jo neigiamo poveikio sveikatai, aplinkos kokybei [1]. Visų jūrų uostų teritorijose eksploatuojama daug įvairios paskirties automobilių transporto technikos, be to, šiose teritorijose išdėstyta nemaža geležinkelio linijų, kuriomis kroviniai geležinkelio vagonais pristatomi į krovos vietas. Ekranai naudojami gamybinėse patalpose darbo vietų apsaugai, taip pat gamyklos teritorijoje, siekiant sumažinti atviro šaltinio keliamo triukšmo poveikį administracinėms patalpoms ir šalia esantiems gyvenamiesiems rajonams [8]. Triukšmo slopinimo efektyvumas priklauso nuo garso šaltinio padėties ekrano atžvilgiu. P. Baltrėnas et al / Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management – 2007, Vol XV, No 3, 125–134 yra AB KLASCO biriųjų trąšų terminale sklindantis plačiajuostis triukšmas, todėl šalia terminalo yra įrengta triukšmą slopinanti sienelė. Darbo tikslas: skaičiuojant, matuojant bei modeliuojant įvertinti Klaipėdos uosto teritorijoje, prie trąšų krovos terminalo, esančios triukšmo slopinimo sienelės efektyvumą

Tyrimo objektas ir metodika
Triukšmo tyrimo rezultatai
Modeliavimo rezultatai
Prie biriųjų trąšų terminalo ekrano aukštis siekia
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