
This paper uses farm management and socioeconomic data collected in the Small Farm Mechanization Prolect conducted by the International Rice Research Institute. Lo? Banos, the Philippines, during 1979 and 1980 to analye costs and benefits of tractor use in West Java. The main conclusion is that tractor land preparation is the optimum technique at market prices It is also optimum at efficiency prices provrded that tractor land preparation increaser yield and each tractor is used to its full capacity. If tractors do not increase yield. manual land preparation is the optimum technique at efficiency pnces When the analysis is conducted using distnbutional weights. animal land preparation is. in general. the optimum technique. ∗ The authors wish to thank the International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines, and Rural Dynamic Studies, Bogor. Indonesia, and especially the coordinators of the Small Rice Farm Mechanization Project, Dr. R.S. Sinaga, Dr. R.S Bernsten and Mr B Duft for their permission t...

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