
Appropriate nutritional support is effective on achievement of expected outcomes in intensive care unit(ICU) patients. Although several studies have suggested different conclusions about the effectivenessof tube feeding methods, there is no specific program of nutritional support for patients who have beenhospitalized. There is a possibility for complications due to an inadequate nutrition. A Quasi experimentalstudy by using purposive sampling technique was conducted on 40 patients n1= 20, n2= 20 who wereadmitted in ICUs of a tertiary care hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab. Data was collected by using a self-structuredchecklist to assess the efficacy of uninterrupted vs. intermittent naso gastric feeding among critically illpatients. Most of the patients were above 40years of age in both experimental and control groups. Out of 40samples 25 were males. In addition, majority of patients were married. More than half 26 (65.00%) patientswere from urban area. Moreover, majority of patients were from Sikh religion 24 (60%) and only 1 (2.5%)were Muslims. In addition 8 (20%) patients were graduate and 11 (27.5%) were in illiterate category. It isseen that 19 (47.5%) were working in both experimental and control group whereas, 21 (52.5%) were nonworking in experimental and control groups. It is estimated that half 20 (50%) patients were known case ofsepsis and majority, 25 (62.5%) had diabetes and only 12 (30%) had renal disease. Approximately 6 (30%)of the patients were having ventilator support in experimental group whereas, in control group 8 (40%)of patients were on ventilator support. It is evident that there were 5 (25.36%) patients in experimentalgroup who had prior admission with the same pathological condition whereas 7 (37.43%) were in controlgroup. It is revealed that some patients have multiple co-morbidities. Among co-morbidities majority 25(62.5%) of the patients were known cases of diabetes mellitus in both groups. It is evident that diarrhoea waspresent in control group 13 (65%) as compared to experimental group it was only 3 (15%) and there was nopresence of vomiting in any group. Whereas, constipation, abdominal distension and high gastric residualvolume was higher in control group as compared to experimental group. It is concluded that uninterruptednaso gastric feeding is better than the intermittent naso gastric feeding in reference to patient outcome andgastrointestinal problems.

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