
The genotoxic potential of influents and effluents of two different wastewater treatment plants (WTP-A and WTP-B) located in the Rouen, France, area was evaluated by the SOS chromotest without metabolic activation (on Escherichia coli PQ37) and the Ames fluctuation test (on Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 98, 100, TA 102) with and without metabolic activation. The wastewater samples were taken during two 1-week periods in January and April 2003. The simultaneous use of the SOS chromotest and Ames fluctuation test allowed us to evaluate the efficacy of the wastewater treatment plants at removing genotoxins. Genotoxins were detected with the Ames test but not with the SOS chromotest. Out of a total of 24 influents tested (14 for WTP-A and 10 for WTP-B), almost all were genotoxic in at least one Ames test strain (71% for WTP-A and 100% for WTP-B). In contrast, all of the tested effluents were nongenotoxic. This work showed that the treatment process used in the 2 wastewater treatment plants studied (activated sludge) was able to remove the genotoxins detected in their influents. Nevertheless, studies could be undertaken to determine which step of the treatment process removes genotoxins and whether WTP sludge use could be a source of genotoxic contamination for humans and the environment.

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