
Introduction: Tonsillitis is one of the most common infectious conditions in the paediatric age group. Symptoms such as pain or tenderness in the throat, fever, tonsillar swelling with a white or yellow coating, painful blisters or ulcers on the throat, headache, loss of appetite, ear pain, trouble swallowing, bad breath, a scratchy or muffled voice, and a stiff neck mentioned in this disease. Ayurveda addresses the problem of Tundikeri, similar to chronic tonsillitis with internal medicines and external therapies. Tonsenorm compound is such a herbomineral formulation formulated with extract a set of nine drugs. Aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Tonsenorm compound in Tundikeri. Material and Methods: The present study is planned to be conducted under the strict protocol of an open-label clinical trial, in 40 patients. Tonsenorm compound will be given for 60 days at 250 mg thrice a day. Assessment of the patients will be done on the basis of subjective parameters with a grading/scoring system on every 15th day during the study, with a post-intervention follow-up after 1 month. Results: The result will show the effectiveness of the trial drugs, which will be economical and safe for long-term use in the patients of Tundikeri. Discussion & Conclusion: The outcome of this herbomineral drug change in scoring/ grading of symptoms of Tundikeri /chronic tonsillitis (will be assess after the completion of the trial work).

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