
• The parasitoid, D. rapae could parasitize on all nymphal instars of M. persicae . • The parasitoid showed a type II functional response to M. persicae . • An inverse relationship between parasitoid density and search-efficiency was noted. • Performance of D. rapae was better while parasitizing younger instars of M. persicae. Efficacy of Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was determined by studying its biological and behavioural attributes on the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Total developmental duration of the parasitoid was longer in younger instars compared to that in older instars of aphid. Host age negatively affected the oviposition period and fecundity of the ovipositing parasitoid. Survival of the immatures was higher in older than the younger instars of the aphid. Sex ratio for the parasitoid was female-biased. Longevity of female parasitoid was higher while parasitizing aphid nymphs of younger age groups (1–2 days old) compared to that of older age groups (4–5 days old). Parasitoid showed a higher preference towards second instar of M. persicae both in choice and no-choice tests. Results on mutual interference revealed that per capita searching efficiency decreased from 0.91 to 0.07 as parasitoid densities increased from 1 to 8. Logistic regression exhibited a type II functional response for D. rapae . The estimated values of search-efficiency (a) and handling time (T h ) were 0.038 h −1 and 1.59 h, respectively. The maximum parasitization rate was 15.08. This investigation suggests that D. rapae could be an effective candidate for augmentative biological control of M. persicae which infests several plant species of economic importance.

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