
Background: Balance impairment is one of the most prevalent concern with increasing age. Globally, Onein five older adult experiences balance problem. Prevalence of fall has been estimated at 14-53 %in India.Various intervention has already been use to prevent fall and improve quality of life. Static StabilizationExercises and Progressive Strength training have proven to be effective as a single intervention howeverminimal literature is available on combined effect of both. The main objective of study is to find out efficacyof combined Static Stabilization Exercises and Progressive Resistive Exercises on balance and quality of lifeof elderly population and also establishment of dose response relationship of balance training.Methods/Design: The study will be designed as experimental study. 100 participants will be selected asper inclusion and exclusion criteria and will be allocated in two groups, Combined Intervention Group (A)and Traditional Balance Intervention group (B). Both intervention include 30-45 min session which will becarried out 3-5 times in week for duration of 8 weeks structured into different components. Outcome will beBalance and Quality of Life and outcome measures will be evaluated at baseline, at midway (4th week) andat the end (8th week) of intervention period. Statistical Analysis will be done using SPSS24. Oversion andp<0.005 will be considered as level of significance.Discussion: The study protocol details two Physiotherapy Interventions to improve balance and qualityof life in elderly population. In current literatures there are minimal evidence on combined effect of StaticStabilization Exercises and Progressive Resistive Exercises on balance and quality of life. SuccessfulCompletion of trial will provide evidence for best strategy targeting balance and quality of life andrelationship of dose response and balance training.

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