
Abstract Six turf insecticides were tested for efficacy against Japanese beetle larvae on a home lawn in Waltham, Mass. There were no Japanese beetle eggs or larvae present at the time of application, apparently because of low soil moisture conditions. The lawn consisted of 30% perennial ryegrass, 30% annual bluegrass, 30% crabgrass and 10% dandelion and was mowed at ca. 1.5 inches. Treatment plots were 8 ft by 8 ft, replicated 5 times, arranged in a RCB. All applications were made between 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM on 1 Aug 95. Liquid formulations were applied by hand with a watering can, 3 liters per plot. Granular formulations were applied using glass jars with perforated lids. Conditions at the time of application were as follows: air temp. 85° F, sunny and moderately humid with light SW wind (5-10 mph); soil type, silty loam; soil pH 6.6; water pH, 8.2. All plots were hand watered with 0.1 inch immediately after application, and an additional 0.2 inch was applied through overhead irrigation within 2 hr after application. No measurable rain fell in the area for 2 wk after application. Product efficacy was evaluated on 17 Oct (77 DAT) by removing 5 cupcutter plugs (4.25 inch diam) from near the center of each plot, dislodging soil with a hand trowel, and counting all grubs to a depth of 3 inches.

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