
Abstract Twelve treatments were evaluated at the Red River Research Station, Bossier City, LA to determine their efficacy in controlling the bollworm/tobacco budworm (BW/TBW) complex on cotton. The experimental design was a RCB with 4 replications. Plots were planted 3 May and were 4 rows X 100 ft on 40-inch centers. All plots had Temik 15G (0.5 lb [AI]/acre) applied in-furrow at planting. Prior to trial initiation, plots were oversprayed for boll weevils on 4 Jun and 12 Jul (Vy date C-LV at 0.25 lb [AI]/acre); BW/TBW on 14 Jun (Orthene 90SP at 1.0 lb [AI]/acre + Larvin 3.2F at 0.25 lb [AI]/acre), and 29 Jun and 18 Jul (Baythroid 2EC at 0.03 and 0.033 lb [AI]/acre, respectively); and for aphids on 29 Jun and 9 Jul with Lorsban 4EC at 0.5 lb [AI]/acre and Provado and 1.6F at 0.047 lb [AI]/acre, respectively. Insecticide treatments were applied on 23, 30 Jul and 6 Aug. Treatments were applied in 5.9 gpa at 60 psi with TX-3 hollow cone nozzles spaced 20 inches apart (2 nozzles/row). Treatments were applied with a high-clearance sprayer equipped with a CO2-system for spraying-small plots. During and after the trial, all plots were oversprayed for boll weevils with methyl parathion 4EC at 0.33 lb [AI]/acre on 2, 19, 21, 30 Aug ane 6 Sep and for BW/TBW on 21 Aug with Baythroid at 0.033 lb [AI]/acre. Infestations of larvae and square damage were monitored on 25, 31 Jul, 7 and 19 Aug by examining 25 squares/plot. Yields were determined by mechanically harvesting the center 2 rows of each plot on 30 Oct.

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