
Unintended perioperative hypothermia (UPH) is a common and serious complication for patients undergoing anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to identify the incidence of UPH and evaluate the efficacy of a self-warming blanket on the drop in core temperature and risk of UPH in patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty. A case-control study was used. Sixty patients were included. Thirty patients received prewarming with a self-warming blanket and forced-air warming intraoperatively; thirty patients received only forced-air warming intraoperatively. The incidence of UPH (<36°C) was identified in 13% of the patients in the prewarmed group and 43% of the patients in the control group. Mean core temperature in the prewarmed group was significantly higher and remained above 36°C in the perioperative period. The study suggests that preoperative warming with a self-warming blanket reduces the incidence of UPH and decreases the drop in core temperature.

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