
Abstract Powder and essential oil obtained from dry ground leaves of Chenopodium ambrosioides were tested under laboratory conditions (25±1°C, 70–75% r.h.) for their ability to protect grains from damage by six insect pests, Callosobruchus chinensis , C. maculatus , Acanthoscelides obtectus , Sitophilus granarius , S. zeamais and Prostephanus truncatus . The insects were reared and tested on whole maize grain for S. zeamais and P. truncatus , whole wheat for S. granarius , green peas for C. chinensis , mung bean for C. maculatus and white bean for A. obtectus . The powder prepared from dry leaves of C. ambrosioides was mixed with grains at different dosages ranging from 0.05–0.80% (wt/wt) for C. chinensis , C. maculatus and A. obtectus and from 0.8–6.4% (wt/wt) for S. granarius , S. zeamais and P. truncatus . The dosage of 0.4% killed more than 60% of all the bruchids 2 days after treatment, while a dosage of 6.4% induced total mortality of S . granarius and S. zeamais within the same exposure time. All levels of the dry ground leaf concentrations inhibited F1 progeny production and adult emergence of the tested insects. The dosage of 0.2 μl/cm 2 of the essential oil killed 80–100% of the beetles within 24 h except C. maculatus and S. zeamais , where this dosage induced only 20% and 5% mortality, respectively. These results indicate a scientific rationale for the use of this plant in grain protection by local communities in the western highlands of Cameroon.

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