
Aim.To evaluate the efficacy of DSP30 in combination with IL2 in cultivating blood cells/bone marrow/lymph nodes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients to detect clonal abnormalities.Materials and methods.The study included 50 patients with CLL, all of whom underwent both chromosome banding analysis (CBA) (46 patients with DSP30+IL2 and LPS+TPA; 4 patients with only DSP30+IL2) and FISH with DNA probes to detect trisomy 12 and deletions of 13q14, 11q22 and 17p13.Results.Under cell cultivation with DSP30+IL2 and LPS+TPA, CBA was successfully performed in 41 (82 %) and 38 (83 %) patients. Chromosome aberrations were observed in 36 (72 %) and 15 (33%) cases, while a complex karyotype was detected in 13 (26%) and 5 (11%) cases, respectively. A significant difference was found between the number of metaphases with chromosomal abnormalities obtained by cultivation with DSP30+IL2 and LPS+TPA (V = 490.5, p < 0.05). CBA revealed balanced translocations in 6 patients, with the involvement of the IgH/14q324 locus being confirmed in 4 cases. Unbalanced translocations and various combinations of translocations were detected in 11 and 6 patients, respectively. In 5 cases, according to CBA, the results of 13q14, 11q22, 17p13 deletions identified by FISH were accompanied by balanced or unbalanced translocations in these loci. Unbalanced t(12;16)(q14;q23) — a case of partial trisomy — was detected only by CBA with DSP30+IL2.Conclusions.An abnormal karyotype was detected in CLL patients twice as more frequently under cultivation with DSP30+IL2 compared to LPS+TPA. CBA is an important method allowing the structure of chromosomal abnormalities to be specified and translocations to be identified. As a result, patients running the highest risk of CLL — those with a complex karyotype — can be singled out for selecting an optimal strategy of their management.


  • Chromosome aberrations were observed in 36 (72 %) and 15 (33%) cases, while a complex karyotype was detected in 13 (26%) and 5 (11%) cases, respectively

  • Выполнение стандартного цитогенетического исследования (СЦИ) с использованием при культивировании DSP30 и IL2 не заменяет FISH, но является необходимым методом исследования, позволяющим выявлять дополнительные хромосомные аберрации, в том числе транслокации и, что особенно важно, выделять группу больных самого неблагоприятного прогноза хронического лимфолейкоза (ХЛЛ) с комплексными нарушениями для разработки терапевтической тактики

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Выявленных при культивировании DSP30 + IL2, LPS + TPA и методом FISH у больных ХЛЛ Table 2. Частота выявления аберрантного кариотипа методом СЦИ c использованием двух комбинаций митогенов: DSP30 + IL2 и LPS + TPA у больных ХЛЛ.

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