
The purpose of the study was to assess efficacy and safety of using in real clinical practice micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Detralex) in patients with chronic venous oedema. The study enrolled a total of 708 patients presenting with chronic venous disease, belonging to C3EpAsPr according to the CEAP classification (chronic venous oedema), who. depending on the accepted clinical practice by expert physicians were prescribed compression and phlebotropic therapy, as well as undergoing surgical interventions. The main criteria for efficacy of the micronized purified flavonoid fraction included the dynamics of chronic venous oedema, vein-specific symptoms, as well as the main parameters of quality of life. Assessment was made using visual analogue scales, the vein-specific questionnaire CIVIQ-14, and the method of discs for measuring the volume of the crus. The obtained findings demonstrated significant positive dynamics of the main vein-specific symptoms assessed by a visual analogue scale. When comparing between the visits of recruitment into the study and its termination the feeling of heaviness in calves decreased form 5.38±2.19 cm to 1.56±1.56 cm (p<0.001), pain in the calf diminished from 4.24±3.39 cm to 1.12±1.37 cm (p<0.001), feeling of oedema dropped from 5.68±2.44 cm to 1.38±1.59 cm (p<0.001), severity of nocturnal cramps fell from 2.46±2.30 cm to 0.43±1.01 cm (p<0.001), and intensity of skin inching from 1.46±2.06 cm to 0.43±1.01 cm (p<0.001). Positive dynamics of venous-specific symptoms appeared to be accompanied by significant improvement of all dimensions of quality of life according to the CIVIQ-14 scale: by the pain scale from 41.0±19.1% to 12.8±11.6% (p<0.001), by the physical condition scale - from 31.6±23.8% to 11.1±15.4% (p<0.001), by the psychological state scale - from 24.5±21.1% to 5.7±9.0% (p<0.001). The global index of quality of life also improved significantly from 32.4±18.5% to 9.9±9.9% (p<0.001). The results of the intervention along all the examined parameters (external appearance, possibility of wearing various clothes and increasing the quality of the self-performed work, to improve both interactions with surrounding people and the social activity and rest) turned out better than expectations form an intervention. The volume of the crus as the main criterion over the period of follow up averagely by the group decreased from 3.07±0.84 to 2.78±0.80 litres (p<0.001). A significant decrease in the calf volume from 3.03±0.87 to 2.77±0.85 litres was observed in 288 patients who during the follow up period were not subjected to surgical interventions, with no significant differences in the dynamics of chronic venous oedema revealed between the operated patients and those having received conservative treatment alone. According to a meta-analysis, the micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Detralex) turned out to possess better parameters in relation to therapy of chronic venous oedema as compared with other phlebotropic agents. Therefore, it appears absolutely logical to predominantly use the micronized purified flavonoid fraction in real clinical practice in patients with the CEAP C3 clinical class, which was registered in our study. An important result was also the fact that within the specified terms of follow up surgical intervention demonstrated no significant advantage over conservative therapy alone in treatment of chronic venous oedema. Moreover, conservative treatment in the form of a combination of compression and phlebotropic therapy demonstrated a dynamic decrease in the volume of the affected extremity with a probable transition of the CEAP C3 clinical class to C2. The micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Detralex) at a standard daily dose of 1000 mg in a combination with compression therapy irrespective of the surgical intervention performed resulted in a significant dynamic decrease in the volume of the calf in patients with chronic diseases of lower limb veins (C3EpAsPr according to the CEAP classification). An anti-oedematous effect of the micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Detralex) in a combination with compression manifests itself during the entire period of treatment.

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