
Abstract Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a group of pathophysiological processes associated with poor kidney function and progressive decline in glomerular filter rate, which leads to a variety of consequences, including anemia and cardiovascular disease. In the current study, we present the case of a 57-year-old male who has had CKD for 6 months after being diagnosed with hypertension for 2 years. He received allopathic treatment for 6 months, but he experienced no relief. Finally, he was advised to start dialysis therapy. After that, patient refused to opt for dialysis and approached an Ayurveda hospital for further management. Based on his clinical presentation, the patient was suspected of having Mutravahasrotasdusti, and treatment was initiated using the principle of Mutrakriccha Chikitsa. For 2 months, he took oral medications, including Gokshurak Rasayana (GR), Chandraprabha Vati (CP Vati), Punarnavasav, and Lohasav. We observed clinical improvement in addition to the kidney function test results and Hb% levels, which were performed twice with a 30-day interval. He exhibited normal urine, a good appetite, and increased bodily strength with an increase in body weight.

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