
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in Iraq exceeding only by coronary heart disease and war related death. This study used a randomized controlled trial approach to investigate the efficacy of health belief model in enhancing exercise behaviors to preventing stroke among older people resident in the geriatric homes of Baghdad city. Ninety-seven seniors from Baghdad geriatrics homes participated in the study and randomly allocated into one of two groups, experimental (intervention group) and control (nonintervention group). We used a mixed design analysis of variance (ANOVA) to measuring the change among participant's beliefs over three times (T1, T2, and T3). There was a significant improvement among participant's beliefs about seriousness of stroke, F (2, 94) = 8.408, P < 0.000, their susceptibility to stroke F (2, 94) = 12.578, P < 0.000, and benefit of exercise in preventing stroke F (2, 94) = 15.224, P <.000 over times. However, the post-hoc procedure by using Bonferroni correction test indicated that this change in beliefs were attributed to the experimental group participants. In addition, there was a stable continuous correlation among experimental group participant's beliefs about seriousness of stroke and benefit of exercise in preventing stroke.

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