
Minimum head smut incidence (0.7%) was recorded in seed treatment with carbendazim@ 2 g kg-1 seed (2010-11) whereas maximum grain yield was recorded 1750 kg/ha in seed treatment with carboxin@ 2 g kg-1 seed during 2010-11. During 2011-12, minimum head smut incidece 0.7% was recorded in seed treatment with carboxin@ 2 g kg-1 seed, where as maximum grain yield was 1710 kg/ha. recorded in seed treatment with carboxin. On the basis of two year pooled data, minimum head smut incidence was 1.0% in seed treatment with carboxin@ 2 g kg-1 seed and maximum grain yield 1730.0 kg/ha. was also recorded in seed treatment with carboxin@ 2 g kg-1 seed. In vitro, average teliospore germination 12.4%, 16.2% and 14.2% was recorded in carboxin, mencozeb and carbendazim, respectively at 100 ppm concentration. At 300 ppm fungicidal concentration, mean teliospore germination 10.1% in carboxin, 12.9% in mencozeb and 11.5% in carbendazim was recorded. Mean teliospore germination 2.8%, 8.3%, 3.1% was recorded in carboxin, mencozeb and carbendazim, respectively at 500 ppm, where as 20.5 to 46.5% teliospore germination was recorded in control. Carboxin was found most effective in reducing the teliospore germination followed by carbendazim and mencozeb.

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